Dear GES Families,
The Jr/Sr High Jazz Band visited us today and played music and interacted with our students. It was wonderful. Please ask your students about it.
We are heading into winter break and I hope you enjoy some time with family, friends and even get some outdoor playtime in the snow as well.
***Winter Break Resources***
Here is a link to free educational resources for your children to access during winter break. (Check out the free Reading and Math video game resources for K-6.) 15 -20 minutes a day is great!
Here is a list of free, family things to do, right here in Granville, from the new Discover Granville NY community website.
And don't forget, our Granville PTO is sponsoring Bowling during the winter break, starting Saturday. Here is the information.
We will be back here on Monday, February 24th and we look forward to seeing you then.
Wishing you all a fantastic winter break.
Warm regards,
Principal Ten Eyck
518-642-1051 Ext. 3202