Dear GES Families,
I hope you are all doing well!
We’ve had an exciting and productive week at GES, and I’m thrilled to share some highlights and upcoming events with you.
This week, we were honored to have Nick Woodward from Learning the Ropes join us for an incredible assembly. His inspiring presentation encouraged students to stay active, promote healthy lifestyles, and give back to their communities through the art of jump rope.
Celebrating Our Students' Hard Work!
3rd Grade NYS Testing Simulation – Last week, our 3rd graders successfully completed their first experience with computer-based testing as part of the NYS Simulation for 3-8 testing. They demonstrated kindness, safety, and responsibility throughout the process, putting forth their very best effort. We are so proud of them!
Recognizing Student Achievements
I-Ready Incentive Program – Over half of our students earned B-Bucks for their dedication and hard work in improving their growth scores! Their determination and effort have been truly impressive.
First in Math Champions – Congratulations to Mrs. Nolan’s class, who earned over 19,000 stickers in January and will celebrate with a classroom party!
Golden Awards – Shout out to Mr. Condon’s class for winning the Golden Sneaker and Mrs. Moanco’s class for earning the Golden Spatula!
Thank You to Our Families & Teachers – A huge thank you to all of the families who continue to support our students in reaching their academic and personal goals. And a special shout-out to our dedicated teachers, who work tirelessly to foster collaboration, teamwork, and success while modeling positive values every day.
Exciting Opportunity for 5th & 6th Grade Chorus
The ADK Thunder hockey team has invited our 5th and 6th grade chorus to sing the National Anthem at their home game on March 15, 2024!
A permission slip will be coming home soon. If your child participates in chorus and would like to join, please sign and return the bottom portion of the form.
All participants will need to purchase tickets ahead of time before the deadline on March 10, 2024.
Thank you for being a part of our wonderful GES community. Your support, encouragement, and partnership make a world of difference. Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead!
Warm regards,
Principal Ten Eyck
518-642-1051 Ext. 3202