1 ) First, congratulations to Dean of Students Mr. Nassivera! He has been appointed as the new Jr/Sr High School Principal for 2025-2026 school year.
2) Spring sport sign-ups begin next week during P.E. classes. We have softball, baseball, track and tennis. Come learn a new sport! If you need gear to play, check in with Athletic Director, Ms. Gabby Hunt (ghunt@granvillecsd.org)
3) Spirit Week kicks off next week at the Jr/Sr High too! See the details below for a variety of fun dress-up days.
4) Let's cheer on our Girls and Boys Wrestling teams as they head off to Sectionals this weekend. Go Horde! Need Sectionals tickets? Here's the info on our Live Feed (from Wednesday) or on Facebook here.
5) Want to become a lifeguard this summer? Free lifeguarding certification during Winter Break information in upcoming events.
Families, if your child needs support with school work, please see "school resources" section below for tips on how to use morning or afternoon Homework Club.
Here is the link to the District Calendar for all upcoming events. Updated weekly!
See you next week,
Doug Duell
Interim Principal
518-642-1051 Ext. 2301 | dduell@granvillecsd.org
Justin Nassivera
Dean of Students
518-642-1051 Ext. 2302 | jnassivera@granvillecsd.org