Dear MJT Families,
You should be receiving your child’s second quarter report card in their folders today. Please look it over, and reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
On Monday, we will be having a visit from the company Learnin' the Ropes. This is a not for profit company that travels all over the country to perform for schools. Through the use of jump ropes, they promote physical fitness and healthy lifestyles, while putting on a very entertaining show for the students! Please visit the website below to learn more information.
This assembly will help us to officially kick off our Kids Heart Challenge to promote healthy living! I want to extend a very big thank you to our PE teacher, Miss Smith, for setting this challenge up for us.
Heart Health Information was sent home last week, and your student can ask for donations from sponsors, which help them to get closer to Finn’s Challenge! Please see the attached document below in case you missed it.
Please don't forget to review our school and community resources below for more wonderful opportunities.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Taylor
Principal, Mary J. Tanner
518-642-1051 Ext. 4201