Dear MJT Families,
This has been a fun and busy week at MJT.
With the holiday musical and door decorating contest, it's been fun to see school families visit our building and our teachers showcase their creativity.
To see some of the lovely door decorations, here is the link to the Facebook Page post (a few are below as well).
If you missed the Beary Merry Musical or would like to view it again, here are the links to our replays:
Here is the replay to the morning show, and starts at 9 minutes in.
Here is the replay to the afternoon show, and starts about 13 minutes in.
A big thank you goes to Music Teacher, Mr. Tuttle for all his work in leading our students in the music!
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday recess,
Breanne Taylor
Principal, Mary J. Tanner
518-642-1051 Ext. 4201