Dismissal Plans
If your child will need a different dismissal plan than usual, please be sure to send in a note in the morning, or to give the main office a call prior to 12:00. This ensures that dismissal can go smoothly for your student.
***Pack a Snack***
Please pack a filling afternoon snack for your children, thank you! Click this link for some helpful tips about when kids should snack and simple snack ideas.
Why Being on Time Matters
Please make every effort to ensure that your child is at school by 9:00. Consistent or frequent tardiness can cause students to fall behind quickly, and it makes it hard for them to learn reading, math and make friends. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after 9:00. Likewise, frequently picking students up before the end of their scheduled day can cause them to fall behind and feel discouraged as well.
***Winter Weather and Recess***
Please be sure your child is prepared for outdoor recess by bringing appropriate outerwear like boots, hats, gloves and snow pants or extra pants. If providing winter clothing presents a challenge, please reach out to the school for support—we are happy to assist with any needs.
*** Does Your Child Need Extra Support? ***
Please do not hesitate to contact your student's teacher and ask for assistance and resources that you can do at home. Here is our staff directory. Here is the Community School page with bonus resources for academics and more.